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The Gateways Registry Professional Development Record (PDR) is a benefit available to all Registry Members. It can be accessed by logging in to the Registry Dashboard and entering the My Registry portal. The PDR is located in the Learn section and can be run for any date range. Check out a sample PDR.
The PDR has six sections which list your education, credentials, and Registry trainings.
- Education and Credentials - Sections 1 and 2
- Gateways Registry Trainings - Sections 3, 4, and 5
- Self-Reported Training - Section 6
When you attend a Gateways Registry training, be sure to sign in using your Registry Member ID. The training will appear on your PDR (in Section 3, 4, or 5) a few days later. It's that simple!
Basic Transcript Review
The Gateways Basic Transcript Review (BTR) records the total number of credit hours earned from an accredited college or university and displays the information on the PDR. The BTR process further categorizes applicable coursework, completed with a grade of "C" or better, into four categories:
- ECE-Related
- School-Age and Youth Development
- Business/Administration
The BTR is completed on all official transcripts received by the Gateways Registry. Official transcripts are those sealed in an envelope and sent from an accredited college or university. They may also be sent electronically from an accredited college or university to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Foreign evaluated transcripts and coursework will only be accepted from entities listed as a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) member.
Upon completion of the review, your formal education will be reflected on your Professional Development Record (PDR) in sections 1 and 2.
Illinois Department of Children & Family Services and the Gateways Registry
The Illinois Department of Children & Family Services (IDCFS) accepts the Gateways Registry PDR as documentation of completion of pre-service and in-service training hour requirements for licensing. The sections of the PDR accepted are:
- Section3 - Completed Registry-Approved Training
- Section 4 - Registry-Verified Conferences
- Section 5 - Attendance-Verified Conferences and Training
Please note that Section 6 (Self-Reported Conferences and Trainings) may be used to keep track of other trainings attended, but certificates must be kept as documentation of attendance. You must also still provide a certificate of attendance as documentation for completing the Mandated Reporter training.